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>> Monday, July 20, 2009

I am in the middle of one of those identity crisis which strike people when they are 21 and realize they do not really know what exactly they want from life. So I have gone and buried myself in Hyderabad. Strangely, I am happier than I have ever been in the past one year.

I wash clothes, I scrubs floors, I have reduced meals to one a day so that I do not have to consume sambhar, the only recipe the cook apparently is aware of, I share one bathroom with ten other women and the nearest anything is a twenty minute walk away. I am not even sure whether I will even stick till the end of this course.

But, dear blog world, life has never been more hilarious.
(Net connection is limited to the library for now. It is a bit of a do I want to walk for 3 miles for internet question.)

2 scaly flippers:

Devdeep 9:04 pm, July 20, 2009  

Life without purpose is certainly most interesting and nice to hear that you are enjoying it. "You share a bathroom with 10 other women??" Great! They have so big bathrooms that can accommodate 10 people at once!! And by the way, did you notice that with all this fun you are getting plenty of exercise which can make you lose the weight factor you despise so much...
Have fun and keep posting!!!

dreamy 9:26 pm, July 24, 2009  

i know EXACTLY what you mean!!

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