Damn My Cursed Memory
>> Friday, February 29, 2008
Dreamy tagged me. Of course, she has no way to know I have never remembered anything for more than ten minutes at a go. So, most of the input which was supposed to be remembered is remembered by my mother. She is the guest author of this post.
Life Ten years ago:
From what she remembers, I was gawky, awkward, shy and tongue ties with mostly everyone. Of course, she willingly and unnecessarily adds, I have not shown much change since then. I wanted to be a singer by night and doctor by day. My life revolved around mathematics, my best friend and molding mud into cakes. I used to decorate them with leaves and grounded brick powder. It all used to smell wonderful. Life was also about shared lunches where nine or ten giggly girls would sit around and discuss the comparative advantage of Punjabi pickles over Marwari pickles over Bengali pickles. To my unrefined tastes, Marwari pickles always used to win uncontested. Bengali kuler achar (I can not translate this into anything remotely English), as divine as it is, could never match up.
Life five years ago:
I was fat. That used to take the fun out of most things. Life was mostly about how torturous Physics is and how much one scored in Biology on ten marks. The impending Boards exam failed to scare me. The effeminate classmate I thought I was hopelessly in love with did. Marwari pickles still formed a huge part of my life. There was also a personal diary which was full of so much sentiment, I ended up throwing it out once I entered college. Also started writing poetry. Stopped next year.
Life tomorrow.
Will try to turn 20 without getting into hysterics (OK, yeah, tomorrow is my birthday :D. That is the entire purpose of this post anyway)
Five locations I would love to run away to.
(Ordered by accessibility)
- Presidency Botany Department corridor
- Lakshadweep
- Corfu
- Random African jungle
- P. E. Island
(I do not consider biting nails as a bad habit. It is a necessary condition for existence)
- The fact that I cannot sit down for a meal without knocking down a random glass. My favourite eatery refuses to serve me water anymore.
- I keep on complaining about the dissatisfying shape of my nose. However, not much nowadays. I realize I have to marry Bilawal Bhutto anyway. Which obviously means I will be heading the country some day. For that, one needs an authoritative nose. Indira Gandhi and I own the same nose.
- I cannot laugh before examinations without getting hysterical and end up laughing for half an hour straight for no reason why.
- I go to sleep at 6 in the morning. I wake up at 2 in the afternoon. My mum is thinking of disowning me.
- I am scared of everything.
Five things I will never wear.
- Something pink.
- Gold.
- Navel ring (someone told me it itches a lot)
- Heels more than 2 inches long ( I can not afford to tower above the remaining male population)
- Rings
- I painted my toes green and chrome. It looks ugly, but very satisfying.
- Conversations with Bonky
- My hair is longer. I do not look any more like a boy who tried to give himself a crew cut. Now I look like the boy who forgot to have his hair cut.
- I have lost both my glasses. Now I can walk down anywhere I like to without having to recognize people. I can always say I could not see them.
- I am off to buy more clothes.
An aim. I cannot just live in frivolity for the rest of my life. More is the pity.
Something that impacted me last year
The hospital tenure. I realized in those ten days that I was making many wrong choices. Now making different wrong choices. But not the same ones.
What will I miss about 2007
Five things I want to do before I die
There are a hundred. The most important one is to learn to raise one eyebrow. The others are either too insignificant, or too sacred.
I tag Abhishek, doubletake, doublethink, Mac the nut, Kaushik, Na. Su. Krishnan, Speedpost, the new age scheherazade and The ancient mariner.